Monday, December 29, 2008

Departing for THE ICE

The Clipper Adventurer will depart from Ushuaia in 6 hours and now all I have to do is get on the boat. I am SOOOO excited!
I had another amazingly wonderful coincidental day yesterday. The woman who booked my tour took me out to the boats that were departing yesterday to meet Brian Keating, an expedition member on the Orlova who also happens to work at the Calgary Zoo!! He is a guide-naturalist on Arctic and Antarctic voyages in his "spare" time. So I got to board a couple of the boats since Alicia seems to know everyone who's anyone in this business. AND to top it off, yesterday was her birthday so she invited me to her birthday supper! Homemade empanadas, vino and a handful of other Antarctica folks. I met several people involved in the business and had a great dinner with wonderful people. Sometimes I wonder at how I meet such amazing people and get myself into such amazing situations!
Well, I'm off to send a few more postcards, make one last call to the family and have a nice cafe con leche before I need to be back down on the dock. I don't know if I'll be able to update anything on the boat, but I will try my darndest! If not, I will be back in town on January 7th.

Happy New Year from Antarctica and I will see how many penguins I can fit into my bags...I have several requests!

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I missed the last line which said you would be back in town on Jan 7.......!? So, that would be TODAY, wouldn't it?

    Oh, the penguins!

    Eau de penguins!

    Owe the penguins!
