Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daily dose of Vitamin N

I have been working on another nature-related project of late as well.  A friend of mine had been lamenting the "lack" of nature and wild things in his life, especially during a time of hectic schedules, rehearsals and gigs.  So I took it upon myself to be his personal conduit with good 'ole Nature - sending him daily photos of something nature-related while he was so busy.  Well what was just supposed to last a week or so has been going on for about 4 weeks now and has had amazing results.  My friend really looks forward to his daily vitamins, and I have found that I am so excited about sharing the natural world around me...I am looking at my world in a new way.  I'm finding the beauty in little details, in the little amazements I find every day.  My buddy has also starting finding some nature moments in his own life and has begun sharing them with me too.

I'm reading Richard Louv's latest book, "The Nature Principle", and it talks about how sometimes technology can be a conduit to getting outside and exploring for yourself.  Well in that spirit, I'm using the interweb to share some of my Vitamin N moments with the rest of you.  Get out and be amazed by the little wonders around you...you don't need to be on an African Safari or in a Provincial Park to be awed by Nature!

"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement, to look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted.  Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; to be spiritual is to be constantly amazed."
~ Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

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