Monday, June 20, 2011

My first book review!

I was recently asked to contribute to the Alberta Council for Environmental Education's blog by doing a review of Richard Louv's new book, "The Nature Principle".  For anyone interested, check out the review here.

More Vitamin N(ature)

Here's a recent schwack of photos that I took whilst on a walk in my favourite meadow.  On my return walk, I decided to do some coyote walking.  I was introduced to this for the first time this spring at our seasonal training workshop and I have fully embraced the concept!  For those of you who've never tried it, "coyote walking" means taking off your shoes and socks, lowering your center of gravity a bit by bending your knees slightly, holding your arms slightly out from your body and keeping your gaze on the horizon; then you start walking in the direction of your gaze by feeling the ground with your feet and moving forward slowly and deliberately.  It is  wonderful.  You end up feeling so connected to the earth and you're moving slowly enough that you're able to appreciate the feel of the breeze and the sun on your face, the scent of the damp earth beneath your feet, each sensation under your toes...try it sometime.  You'd be amazed!

Enjoy the dose of vitamins!