Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good show...

Checked out Micheal Kaeshammer at the Banff Centre last night...what a show! Not only is he an amazing musician (think blurry fingers and a left hand from god -- or the debil), but he's quite the showman as well. It felt as though I was watching he and his trio jam in a basement somewhere. Goofing off, cracking jokes and having a wicked awesome time. Made me feeled inspired to come home and practice, but also inadequate....I can only dream.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

New territory

So I've never written a blog before, but I figure there's a time for everything right? I want to get into writing more regularly, practice some skillz...see if what comes out of my head actually makes any sense when written. Plus I guess it's a way for me to update friends and family about the goings on in my life.
So boldly, I will go where many (many many) people have gone before, and attempt to carve out some kind of unique spot where I can write about adventures, non-adventures, and the little things that most likely interest no one else but me.
Random tidbits
I love the fact that it's October 25th and I'm still wearing sandals. No socks. My feet are experiencing freedom that they can only dream about once mid-December/January hits.
My brother has just moved back to the land of oil and Rob Anders...which he may not be so excited about. But the rest of us are! It'll be nice to have the guy nearby, and maybe he can even help me with my jazz chops.
I saw a Northern Harrier this week, my first ever! Swooping and gliding over a little marsh near Bragg Creek, looking for yummy critters to feast on no doubt. FYI, the Northern Harrier is a raptor, also known as the Marsh Hawk. It has these facial disks (not unlike those of the owls) that allow it to hear its prey even better! Tres cool.
I've fallen in love. His voice, his witticisms, and his selection of music. Oh Rich Terfry of CBC Radio 2's Drive (aka Buck 65).....he always knows what to play to keep me entertained and engaged. He even studied biology in's fate.